In phase 1, is a renovation of 1,700 square feet of underutilized office space on the third as biological diagnostics and research laboratory including a robotics and a clinical laboratory improvement amendments (CLIA) laboratory. The scope of work also includes major demolition, asbestos abatement, spray fireproofing, new MEP Systems including a new AHU, laboratory casework, biosafety cabinets, and new finishes.

Phase 2 includes the renovation of 7,130 square feet of third-floor lab and office space to be demolished and re-built into a large bio-lab area including cell culture, virology, immunology, and genomics sequencing laboratories. The central corridor is pushed to the outside wall to maximize space and new MEP systems installed including replacement of an existing AHU, laboratory casework, walk-in controlled environment rooms, biosafety cabinets, and new finishes.