The renovation included demolition of partial existing furniture, wallpaper and flooring of corridors and guestrooms. After demolition the team installed new carpeting, wall vinyl, and added light fixtures. Seven guest rooms were fully renovated to comply with ADA standards.
Throughout construction the building was occupied, with events planned throughout the entire schedule. The team worked hand-in-hand with the hotel management to minimize any disruption to guests and ensure all hotel activities went on as planned. The construction schedule proved challenging also, with the critical path running through almost every activity. The team took a proactive approach and tracked the schedule closely to prevent delays

In addition to the tight schedule the team managed 36 separate punch lists throughout the project after finishing each floor with a total of 715 rooms. The 36 separate punchlists and large volume of rooms is important to note because we were able to turn over floors throughout the project instead of all at the end. We completed each floor in 22 days, allowing the hotel to open that floor for stays. This kept the hotel open for business and guests throughout the duration of the project. The project finished on time with no major issues.

During preconstruction the project team completed a full room mockup so the client could envision the space and the project team could accurately communicate the level of quality required to trade partners.  Because of the rigid schedule and the high level of finishes ensuring top quality trade partners was critical. The project team hosted interviews with the client and trade partners to ensure the selected trade partners could manage the work. Through the interviews, our team met with different MBE/WBE trade partners and worked with them on the scope. This helped meet the MBE/WBE requirements set by the city.