Agriculture construction in South Dakota
The South Dakota State University Raven Industries Precision Ag building is poised to begin above-ground construction

As seen in the Rapid City Journal by Jager Robinson Tri-State Neighbor Reporter, (June 9th, 2019) McCownGordon has begun significant Agriculture construction in South Dakota.
The South Dakota State University Raven Industries Precision Ag building is poised to begin above-ground construction.
Since its groundbreaking last fall, SDSU leaders have been finalizing plans to work the newest building into the SDSU ecosystem. The construction company, McCownGordon Construction, finished the last details of the below-ground work and touched up the plans for the building, according to Dr. John Killefer, dean of the ag school.
McCownGordon is the same firm working on the updates and a redesign of the Animal Disease Research and Diagnostics Laboratory on campus in Brookings.
Construction of the precision ag building was supposed to go into full swing this spring, but weather slowed progress.

“You should start seeing some things get pushed around soon,” Killefer said.
Although some aspects had to be adjusted and the final building may not look 100 percent like the design plans, Killefer said the building is pretty much the same as what was proposed after the final design touchups.
He expects the building will be done by late spring or early summer 2021 with classes beginning that fall.
Agriculture construction in South Dakota is at a high point with the Raven Industries Precision Ag building.
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