Raising awareness during construction suicide prevention week

Together, we can save lives.

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time for mental health advocates, survivors, allies, and communities to come together and promote awareness for suicide prevention. This topic is especially relevant to the McCownGordon team, as the construction industry has the second highest suicide rate among all occupations in the United States. While suicide prevention is imperative year-round, the construction industry dedicates one week every September, to raising awareness around the challenges construction workers face that lead to suicide and what we can do to prevent it.

It is no secret that construction can be a physically demanding job. However, what many do not talk about is the mental demands that come with the job. While working in such a “tough it out” workforce, many often shame themselves for experiencing depressive feelings and self-loathing behavior. Many believe they must get the job done regardless of their mental health. These perceptions discourage construction workers from talking about their struggles and lead to high rates of suicide. By providing resources to cope with these feelings and encouraging these critical conversations, together, we can destigmatize mental health in the construction industry and save lives.

From September 6th to 10th, the McCownGordon team will join others in the industry all around the country to share resources and educate our team on the role we can all play in supporting one another’s mental wellness. With stand-downs at project sites across the region, we will stand in solidarity to reduce the stigma and raise awareness to seek help. We invite you to stand with us and share the following resources to start making a difference.

The Suicide & Crisis Hotline Number Has Changed. To Connect with This Resource, Dial 988.

Crisis Centers are a helpful resource for individuals going through a mental health crisis. This resource is accessible through call, text, or a live chat found here: https://988lifeline.org/chat/

Additional Informational Resources:




