K-12 Construction

K-12 Education Projects


Spaces for Learning

Our dedicated K-12 education construction team focuses on building new and renovating both public and private schools. When renovating occupied schools our team focuses on minimizing disruptions, incorporating learning lessons, and most importantly, student, faculty and visitor safety. McCownGordon proudly constructs schools across the Midwest that foster students’ learning.

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Featured Projects

Lee's Summit East Trails Middle School built by McCownGordon Construction
McCownGordon built the North Kansas City Early Education Center
Students and teachers walking into Aspen Grove Elementary, a school built by McCownGordon Construction.
An exterior photo of Pembroke Hill School

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McCownGordon Construction

The first thing we build is relationships.

Contact us for more information on K-12 education construction how we create high-caliber learning environments or to learn more about how we can help your school district.

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